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PCB Works

Whenever an electronic enthusiast opens any device ,the most important part is to understand the pcb design to trace the connections.Not just most important but most interesting also.


It involves quite a few steps out of which the first and foremost step is the most important and is the main work i.e Traces designing.

Traces Designing:

For this you need to use softwares such as eaglepcb,Fritzing,orcad etc.

you need to have made the circuit before or at least know the connections and draw them in the software.

Adjust acc. to your requirement such as i always prefer to keep my pcb tiny .


There are two ways :

1.Direct plotting.

2.Toner Transfer Method

In the first procedure we use a cnc an upload or design as grbl code so the cnc plots the design on the blank copper pcb.

                   The second method involves getting the design printed on a glossy printer paper then the ink is transferred to the pcb by ironing or exposing to heat .Further the paper is removed by dripping in water while the ink is left on the pcb.


Now after the ink has been plotted the procedure is the same for both that is removal of excess copper by dripping the plottted pcb in Ferric Chloride solution so that the excess copper is dissolved and the pcb is the cleaned using acetone and drilled for the Holes.



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